本网讯 7月6日上午,以“International economic dispute settlement”为主题的校级“海外名师”学术讲座在线上平台举行。讲座由新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学臧青子教授主讲,国际合作负责人陈琳老师、国际合作项目秘书卢姗姗老师及40余名员工代表参加本次讲座。讲座由陈琳老师主持。
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Dr.Michelle Q Zang
·Co-director of New Zealand Centre of International Economic Law
·Senior Lecturer in International Trade Law
·Programme Director, Master of International Trade Faculty of Law,Victoria University of Wellington
Dr Michelle Q Zang holds the Bachelor in Law (Fudan University, Shanghai, 2004), LLM in European Legal Studies (Distinction, Durham University, UK, 2006) and PhD in EU Law and WTO Law (Durham University, UK, 2010). Dr Zang specialises, publishes and teaches in international economic law and European law. Before joining Victoria University of Wellington, she completed post-doc research respectively NYU Law School and at University of Oslo. She also worked for the Appellate Body Secretariat of the WTO and King & Wood Mallesons, Beijing. One of her most recent publication addresses the interaction and communication between various international adjustors specialised in trade and investment disputes.